Pink Quartz

Original price was: ₹7,900.00.Current price is: ₹2,500.00.

Unconditional love Self-love Mother love Caring Kindness Friendship Romantic love Platonic love

Note: Shuddhikaran and Siddhi (Energise) of the Gemstone is done by Dr. Sanjay Sethi as per his Shafaa (Expertise), Sankalp and then Dhaaran following rituals (Vidhi), Abhijeet Muhurat, Mantras as per Vedic to be chanted.

SKU: RK127 Categories: ,


Rose Quartz or Pink Quartz is the stone of universal love.  It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love.  Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace.  Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief.  Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes.  It encourages self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth.

Rose Quartz strengthens and balances the physical heart and circulatory system, and releases impurities from body fluids.  It hastens recovery, reduces high blood pressure, aids chest and lung problems, heals the kidneys and adrenals, and alleviates vertigo.  A good energetic support for those with leukaemia. Rose Quartz has the power to increase fertility and to protect both mother and unborn fetus from miscarriage.

*We advise people not to buy Gemstone from fraudulent suppliers*


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